Classification of API lubricants for gearboxes and main drives

Classificazione API lubricanti

Classification of API lubricants for gearboxes and main drives

Marked with letters GL and a number which indicates the recommended use.

  • GL-1 – oil for gearboxes operating at low friction speeds. Resistance to oxidation, protection against rust, and the congelation temperature is improved with additives.
  • GL-4 –oil used for gearboxes and main hypoid drives operating at high speeds and low torques.
  • GL-5 – oil used for gearboxes and main hypoid drives, operating at high speeds with shockloads and low torques or low speeds and high torques.

It is necessary to only use the GL class lubricants recommended by the manufacturers. E.g., if we use GL-5 instead of the recommended GL-4 oil, the operation of the synchronizers will be disturbed (slowed down).API classes are not suitable for automatic gearboxes. It is necessary to take into consideration the recommendations of the automatic transmission manufacturers.